We Need a Picture that Breathes

Blood streaks down her grace
The face of a faun freezes
Amalgamations of war murals
Pains taking the mother’s birth
Breath of heaven’s light crystals
Eyes buried coal-black demands
Marching toward the ether’s ovum
Writhing in charcoal caves
Ivory missionaries smile
Webs of woe and mendacity buckle
‘Neath night’s timbre tottering
Into the behemoth blast of sun-
Rise into your Honor’s brass tomb
Made of glistening psalms splitting
The children of Earth into the chasm
Born of law and invisible fire
Wintering sounds of coalescing sins
All day long lone lunatics leer
At Aphrodite’s curved whisper
Mending the garden racked with cries
Feeling gnawing and gnashing flies
‘Til tornadoes of dust blow ruins ‘round
The universe in its epileptic gaze
Housing moments of our days

As Sayings Ripple

Clear clichés glisten in the water as frogs listen laying eggs
Snakes lie in reeds feeling vibrations of lions’ deeds
Soldiers march in perfect time weathering their weary legs
Until primitive pangs of powerful desires sow seeds…

Jesus’ voice morphs into brittle parchment
As Nietzsche’s echo burns scattered skeletons
Decaying in obscure crypts mute as hieroglyphs…

Crucifixes shatter and splinter piercing hearts of armies
Glittering in golden pages produced by plundering icon-
ography mimicking syllables of salvation…possessing…